Jen’s Tops Tips For A Healthy Holiday Season

Staying present is the best gift you can give yourself and others, that’s why it is called the present!

gift-hot-pinkIt’s really easy to get lost with all the shopping, wrapping, cooking, socialising and traveling. Your mind is racing way ahead.  It all becomes very stressful, I know I spend too much time projecting into the future and worrying about what may happen.

Being fully  present in the moment can dramatically reduce stress, increase your happiness, also tend to create stronger memories. Your breath is a powerful and simple way to anchor yourself in the present moment.

Make some time for yourself. Spending just 15 minutes alone. Find ways to give your self some self care.  Stop and “smell the roses” – check in on yourself often.

Here are some more ways to help you have a happy AND healthy season…

Have Breakfast – Set up Your Day 
Starting my day with a satisfying morning meal — especially one that includes proteins, healthy fats and fibre  — can help prevent overeating at parties later in the day.

Eat Before You Go
Have a small meal (include, protein fats and fibre) about 30 mins before a party or other holiday event. This will help prevent you indulging in over-eating or binging.

Socialiaze Instead of Eating
Work the room, focus your energies on making conversation with others instead of focusing on foods. Don’t stand around the food table when you are at a party.

Have a Backup Plan
Always have healthy snacks in your bag, I like small bags of nuts, can of tuna, Jen’s yummy power balls or a piece of fruit, like apples. This has helped me many of time with temptations.  If you’re travelling during the holidays, follow the same advice: Pack your own healthy snacks for the car, plane, or train so that you’re less vulnerable to making bad choices.

Just Say No (Politely, of Course)                                                                                 Holiday season there are food temptations everywhere, we have all had the experience of food pushers range from well-intentioned loved ones to total diet saboteurs. It doesn’t really matter about their motivation, it’s important not to give in . You can always be honest and say that you’re simply trying to eat healthier that you are full and and are working hard not to overeat — “No thank you, I’ve had enough. Everything was so delicious. I couldn’t eat another bite.”  You’ll soon find that saying no isn’t so hard to do after all.

Watch the Alcohol Mixers
Alcohol Mixers are loaded with calories and lower your inhibitions, this means you’ll probably end up eating more than you planned. Avoid the combination of alcohol and sugars found in seasonal drinks, try margaritas with real lemons, Gin and ½ soda/tonic or just drink water or soda water.

Make Exercise a Priority
Your schedule may be hectic over the holiday season so it’s even more important than ever to make time for exercise. Staying active helps you have more energy, helps relieve stress, not to mention burning off extra calories. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity every day (walking counts!).

Workout While You Shop
Turn your shopping excursions into mini-workouts. Park your car a distance from the shopping centre, take the stairs instead of the escalator, walk from store to store at a brisk pace, and carry your own bags, don’t use a trolley.  If you have the time, do an extra lap around the whole mall and do some window shopping.

Let Go of the Guilt and Move On!
Ok, if eating special goodies is part of your holiday experience, if you ate a bit more than you intended, just don’t allow the guilt to over consume you!  Accept that you allowed yourself to enjoy something you wanted. Don’t let one day of treating yourself spiral out of control, take control fast! I find that it helps to use a tongue scraper the next day to alleviate the cravings for more. Revisit your goals and move forward.

Wishing you the very best Health for the festive season.


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1 Response to Jen’s Tops Tips For A Healthy Holiday Season

  1. enjoylife12 says:

    Great suggestions. It can be so hard when everyone around you is over-indulging!

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